FREE DELIVERY FOR ORDERS Above $100, Subscription Plans Available Enjoy 25% Off Minimum 3 Months Order **Order Cut Off Day every SUNDAY 10PM and receive following week Wed OR Thur 5pm-9pm(You would receive a text on your delivery day)

The Feeding Guide

Each meal is carefully measured to what your furkid needs per day of Calories.

Example: 150grams (For 2kg dog) Per day

This means your furkid that weighs 2kg needs 150 grams of our Fresh Food per day , you may choose to feed 150 grams for a meal a day or 75grams each meal for a day.

Example: 150grams (For 2kg dog) 2 weeks

This means you will be ordering 2 weeks worth of food , 14 packets of 150 grams.


Meal Portion Chart

Fresh Food Chart


Do message us through website , facebook or instagram or whatsapps for any doubts.

Facebook/Instagram : Mum Mum Gourmet

Whatsapp/Sms : 92336861 
